Frequently asked questions

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No, POGO is not a charity, we’re a social enterprise driven by the mission of engaging younger donors with charity. We judge our success by the amount of money we help raise for our charity partners. We’re building a community of ethical brands who recognise their social responsibilities and are committed to working together to support charities. We believe that the most successful business of the future and the business that will stand the test of time will be those that prioritise purpose alongside profits and that’s exactly what we plan to do!

No, POGO does not charge any of our partners or users a fee to use the platform. One of our founding principles was to create a platform that sustains itself without taking any part of the donation away from the charity. As such, we do not take any percentage cut from your donations, meaning as much of your donation goes to the charity as possible. As it stands, we cannot give 100% of your donation to the charity as there is a small payment processing fee deducted by Stripe, the third-party payment provider. For more information, see our Fees and Charges section below. As we grow, we are committed to finding an alternative method to ensure that eventually POGO is able to send 100% of your donation to your favourite charities.

Our goal is to convince enough users, brands, and charities that our marketplace is the future of giving and the most effective and genuinely impactful cause marketing strategy around. If we achieve this, we plan to generate sustainable revenues by offering marketing and data services for our partners, following the affiliate marketing model. For now, all of our focus is on creating a platform that works for all of our stakeholders and raises as much money as possible for our charity partners!

There are four different types of campaigns that a user can donate to on POGO.

  1. One-off campaign: donate once for a guaranteed reward. For example, every donor is rewarded with an exclusive, one time use discount.
  2. Recurring campaign: donate on an ongoing basis for a guaranteed recurring For example, donate £5 for three months and receive a new discount every month of the campaign.
  3. Prize Draw campaign: enter for a chance to win a prize. For example, donate £5 for entry into a draw for the chance to win a giveaway prize.
  4. Personal campaign: donate to your favourite influencer’s campaign and help them raise donations for their favourite causes.


Prize Draws



Fees and Charges